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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Did you know...

Bt Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Did you know that African honey bees prefer to collect pollen rather than nectar from cotton flowers (Gossypium hirsutum)?

"Frequency and behavior of bees and other insects on cotton flowers" by Malerbo-Souza et al. looks at the various insects that visit flowers of the cotton plant (
Gossypium hirsutum). The results showed that the Africanized honey bee is an effective pollinator of cotton crops, and that stingless bees and beetles were also effective.

For this article and others from this issue, go to: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=zt&year=2011&vol=29&num=04&keys=V29N4

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Featured Issue: African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Vol.13 No.2

Taro {colocasia esculenta}
okraHere are some tidbits from some of the articles in the recently added vol.13 no.2 of the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development:

"Effect of Processing Method on the Proximate Composition, Mineral Content and Antinutritional Factors of Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) Grown in Ethiopia" by Adane et al. looks at the composition of taro and the effect that boiling and fermentation, two stages of the production process, has on its nutritional value. Factors such as protein content and fat content were evaluated.

"Vegetable Consumption Patterns in Yaounde, Cameroon" by Kamga et al. evaluates the factors that influence vegetable consumption in households in Yaounde, Cameroon. The results showed that preference in vegetables consumed varied based on socioeconomic class and ethnic group. The amount of times a vegetable was consumed and which vegetables were preferred over others was also evaluated.

You can find the full articles from this issue here: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=nd&year=2013&vol=13&num=02&keys=V13N2

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

African Crop Science Society - conference announcements!

Bioline is pleased to pass on the following news on behalf of the African Crop Science Society:

10th ACSS Conference Proceedings (NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE): http://www.acss.ws/?t=a_conf&s=4

The ACSS have also announced that their 11th Conference will take place from October 14th to 17th, 2013 in Entebbe, Uganda. The conference theme is Sowing innovation for sustainable African crops production to meet food security under climate change.
The deadlines for submission and receipt of abstracts and papers are August 31st and September 15th respectively. The abstracts shall be sent to: prubaihayo@gmail.com. It is urged that all material be sent as soon as possible and on time as to avoid any organizational issues.

We are proud to have the ACSS as a contributor to Bioline and wish them a successful and engaging 11th conference!


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